30 Content Ideas for Your Next Author Newsletter That’ll Sell Your Book

Do you have a newsletter to help promote your books and build a loyal audience of ideal readers? Well, you should!

An email list is a great, immediate way to connect with ideal readers. It’s also a great way to give readers an exclusive insight into who you are, your book(s), and your work. 

However, consistently developing exciting and entertaining topics to discuss in your monthly or bi-monthly newsletter can take a lot of work.

That’s why I’m here!

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

Here are 30 content ideas for your next author newsletter that’ll help you sell more books and connect with ideal readers.

When my author clients ask me to give them newsletter content ideas, I like to start by explaining that there are three categories these topics can fall under. There should be at least one topic from each category in your newsletter. That way, your newsletter has meaning and purpose.

The first category is promotion, which is meant to (you guessed it), promote your book. The content ideas underneath this category include inbound and outbound marketing strategies for selling your book.

The second category is value, which is meant to provide value to your readers. For an author newsletter, I approach the term “value” differently than I would for social media content. When giving value in a newsletter, it can include providing tips on writing. Still, it can also mean giving book recommendations, movie recommendations, lessons you learned from writing or publishing a book, etc.

The third and final category is community, which is probably the most important one. Community content includes sharing updates on your life, but it also focuses on your newsletter readers’ life and interests too.

Now that we’ve gone over the three categories newsletter content ideas and topics fall under, let’s dive into the 30 content ideas for your next (several) author newsletters.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com


  1. Create a quote card graphic with a quote from your book.
  2. Create a graphic sharing a review of your book.
  3. Create a collage of images that represent your book.
  4. Recommend your book based on similar popular books.
  5. Share a photo of your book in the wild.
  6. Write a mini-story from the POV of your book’s main character. (Keep it fun and casual! Think of it as a bonus scene.)
  7. Share a scene that got cut from your book’s final draft.
  8. Create a fan casting of your characters.
  9. Do a giveaway of your book.
  10. Discuss the tropes in your book.


  1. Talk about your top 10 book and movie recommendations.
  2. Share 5 lessons you’ve learned from writing and finishing a book.
  3. Share 5 lessons you’ve learned from traditionally publishing/self-publishing a book.
  4. Discuss your top 5 writing tips.
  5. Share 5 books you think every writer should read.
  6. Talk about your favourite book-buying sites.
  7. Share your go-to writing tools.
  8. Talk about your upcoming anticipated book releases.
  9. Share your author-related goals.
  10. Create graphics of your favourite quotes.


  1. Create or re-share a relatable writing- or reading-related meme.
  2. Promote your newsletter subscribers’ books if they are authors.
  3. Promote other indie authors or other books published by your publishing house.
  4. Share any life updates you have.
  5. Discuss your favourite recipes or hobbies (outside of reading and writing).
  6. Create a list of 10 things people probably don’t know about you.
  7. Share about how you first got into writing.
  8. Do mini-written interviews with other authors, readers, etc.
  9. Film mini day-in-the-life videos to embed in your newsletter.
  10. Ask your readers a question in one newsletter and feature their answers in the next newsletter.

Those are 30 content ideas to include in your next author newsletter to help you sell more books and create a stronger audience of ideal readers.

If you need help writing or formatting your author newsletters or with some other aspect of your book marketing strategy, I can help! Check out my book marketing services for more information.

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